About Us

We’re a supported housing accommodation service that is based in the East Midlands.

Where our organisation shares a focus on supporting individuals with multiple and complex needs, we work with those who have experienced or currently face issues around the following areas:

  • Substance misuse
  • mental health
  • Offending behaviour
  • Domestic Abuse/Violence
  • Homelessness
  • Trauma

C We R Here values the need for positive progression through effective engagement and offers a support program equipped to promote empowerment, self-awareness and understanding, independent living skills, resettlement, and ‘end of journey’ progression to sustaining own tenancies.

Each of our shared accommodation properties is purposely organised to accommodate no more than six individuals at any one time. This is designed with an understanding that residents have the opportunity to gain or regain self-worth and self-value in smaller environments – in comparison to some other supported accommodations; these types of accommodations show higher rates of success for clients, and we pride ourselves on this difference. 

We also provide self-contained accommodation for individuals who are more suited to independent living. This enables us to provide a step-down service for residents, which encourages progression and allows us to deliver a holistic approach to our service.

Our residents are supported through both in-house and outsourced service programs in the following areas:

  • Substance misuse
  • mental health
  • Offending Behaviour
  • Economic Well-being
  • Housing
  • Domestic Abuse/Violence
  • Community and Relationships
  • Education and Training

If your service feels there may be individuals (referred to you or on your waiting list) that may not currently present stable enough to sustain an independent social housing tenancy – and that it is further felt they may benefit from our service, please do not hesitate to contact us and visit our referral page.

All our employees are trained and have background knowledge and experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Criminology
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Misuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • Descalation and Conflict Resolution
  • Counselling
  • Social Care

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